• Hey Facebook Fans, Have We Got an App for You!

    Oct 19, 2010
    Facebook Garage Door App
    Probably the coolest app on is the Clopay Door Imagination System. It allows you to upload a digital photo of your own home and “try on” as many Clopay garage doors as you want until you find the perfect fit. Now you can access it on Facebook, too. Just click on the “Try on a Door” tab at the top of the Clopay fan page. And when you're finished, we've made it super easy to share the options with your friends and family and even invite them to imagine a new garage door on their own home.
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    Clopay Door Imagination System garage doors facebook app

  • Real-Life Re-Do: A Garage Door Proud 60s Split Level Gets Some Much Needed 21st Century Charm

    Oct 12, 2010
    image (243)
    The experts from HGTV’s “Curb Appeal” helped this St. Louis Park, Minnesota homeowner bring her mid-century modern split level into the 21st century with some charming upgrades that didn’t require a whole lot of demolition – just an open mind and inspired vision.
    [Read More....]

    carriage house garage doorsHGTV Curb AppealClopay Semi-Custom Reserve Collection wood garage doors

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